In 1888, John Dunlop developed the pneumatic tire for his son’s trike and then adapted it to a bicycle. When a bike rider used the pneumatic tires in races, he won almost every event he entered, and John was soon awarded a patent for his invention. There was no doubting the advantages of riding on air over the hard, bone-jarring wheels in common use at the time, and for his invention John Dunlop was dubbed “the father of the pneumatic tire.” However, along with this distinction John unwittingly also became known as “the Father of the Flat Tire.” For the next 100 years man was plagued with the problems of flat tires—that is, until 1982 when the sealant we now know as Flat Attack Sealant was invented in Southern California! Flat Attack quickly became the #1 selling tire sealant in the nation and world. Other than minor substitutions to safer ingredients, the formula in use today is the exact same formula as the one created in 1982. Over the years Flat Attack has proven to be effective and long-lasting, and it will bring back the joy of riding and working by providing the flat-free experience you are looking for.
Flat Attack is a small company that is very focused and dedicated to its core principles and every ounce of Flat Attack is painstakingly made to our exacting standards of quality while keeping the end user and the environment in mind. We appreciate your visit and hope you will give Flat Attack a try. If you have questions or comments please contact us!
The Flat Attack Team
Flat Attack Sealant Co., Inc
5585 So Commerce Dr Ste 100
Murray, UT 84107